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Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Curves Franchise – What Would One Cost?

Curves Franchise – What Would One Cost?

The health and wellness industry is really enormous. One of the sub-sets is, of course, fitness. Furthermore, some fitness franchises are dedicated to women only. That’s the case with Curves. So, ‘How much to own a Curves franchise?’ you ask. Let’s look at a couple of different ways to own one and what the range of costs might be in each case.

Buy New or Existing Curves Franchise?

Curves was initially franchised in 1995 after the concept inventors started and grew their own business over the prior three years. Because this concept has been around for 15 years, you might find that there are existing businesses in your geography (or one where you’d like to own your business.)

There might be advantages to buying a new franchise rather than an existing business, but sometimes the opposite is true. The up-front cost may be less if buying a brand new Curves franchise. However, you wouldn’t be buying an existing cash flow. You will have to build your business from scratch. So, if you have the option, you’ll want to do a complete analysis to determine which way would be best. The up-front costs are only part of the analysis. You should compare your expenses and revenues for a realistic period into the future, say 18 months to 3 years, against the up-front costs.

New Curves Cost

Again, the up-front costs are only part of the equation. Currently, you should expect a total up-front cost of between roughly $36,000 and $43,000 for a new franchise. That will vary depending on the economic conditions for the location. For instance, your rent, up-front utility costs, insurances, etc. may be less or more in your locale, or depending on the type space you rent. The Curves head-quarters staff will assist you in choosing optimal lease-space.

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Existing Curves Franchise Cost

The advertised costs for existing Curves businesses has a wide range. The only ones that are important are those available where you want to own one. Use local business broker listings and internet searches to see what might be the case for you. Whenever you buy any type of existing business, you are buying cash flow, possibly an immediate income depending on your costs to carry the investment. You should get help with your analysis from a professional. If you don’t want to hire a private analyst, you can do that very inexpensively using your local SCORE or Small Business Development Center resources,. I’ve seen existing Curves franchises for sale ranging from $20,500 to $199,000.

Marketing Your Curves Franchise

Whether you buy and existing franchise or a new one, the more clients/customers you have, the more successful you will be. Even for a very local business, the internet is the most efficient marketing vehicle available in today’s world. Learn how to maximize its use now, even before you buy your business. That may make the difference on your decision.

By lexutor

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