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Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

What Do Franchising Solicitors Do?

What Do Franchising Solicitors Do?

If you are interested in the franchising industry and whether or not you are a potential franchisor or franchisee, you will need to get help and advice from a specialist franchising lawyer.

They will be able to help you in a variety of ways and give your arrangement the best possible chance of success. This article takes you through some of the key things a franchise solicitor will be able to help you with, highlighting why their role is so important.

For instance, franchising solicitors are able to help a wide range of people associated with the agreement process. This can include new franchisors, which are businesses that are interested in expanding through the adoption of this business model. A franchise solicitor will be able to explain the options open to businesses and help them to determine whether it is the right course of action for them to be taking, or whether there might be an alternative means of expansion that they should consider.

Solicitors can also help existing franchisors who are in need of assistance, such as if they want to review the terms of a contract. They can also assist with the processes associated with terminating an existing agreement or renewing one. Solicitors can also help existing franchisees, assisting them with termination or sale of agreements, as well as offering help with any disputes that may have arisen.

New franchisees will also be able to find support; solicitors will be able to make sure they understand the process and know what they are taking on, as well as acting on their behalf during agreement negotiations and providing assistance with incorporating a company or purchasing premises from which to operate.

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This means that franchising solicitors are able to assist clients in a variety of ways. One of their main jobs is to draft agreements and also to review existing agreements to make sure the terms of the contract are still beneficial to both parties. They can also help to buy and sell both new and existing franchises and offer information as to the likely cost of doing so. Intellectual property is also an important issue related to franchising and it can include things such as the trade name, trademark and other issues related to branding, as well as any other materials (such as training manuals) associated with the business; a franchise solicitor will be able to provide assistance here.

Solicitors can also offer support in cases of agreement dispute and issues relating to property or employment law; this wide range of services shows just how important they are to the overall process of franchising.

By lexutor

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